Gigi Multimedia
Video and Audio
Gigi Edgley appears and/or is interviewed in the following video and audio media.
Click here to download video (53.4mb Quicktime format)
Gigi is interviewed at the San Diego ComicCon 2000 - on the spot in a corridor no less! - and still somehow manages a colorful, fun, spirited interview, mostly generalizing on Chiana. The interviewee, Sarah Kuhn, is commendably good natured. Some clips of FarScape, one of the few sexy moments of course, are interspursed into the interview. The technical quality of the very large Quicktime download is remarkably high.
(original website closed - links to our copies) (33.39mb total Quicktime format)
Click on the links below to download each segment of the video
Part 1 1.82mb - Part 2 2.93mb - Part 3 2.95mb
Part 4 1.81mb - Part 5 2.69mb - Part 6 4.31mb
Part 7 3.71mb - Part 8 3.84mb - Part 9 1.69mb
Part 10 1.87mb - Part 11 2.18mb - Part 12 3.59mb
This series of interviews, also conducted during her Burbank trip in 2000, is the most in depth interview of Gigi to date in any form. Essential. Unfortunately the Quicktime technical quality is low... nevermind: do enjoy. :)
Click here to download video (original website closed - links to our copy) (1.5mb Quicktime format)
Gigi is interviewed at the Burbank 2001 FarScape convention by Jack Ruby, who reports being seriously charmed ;). No wonder! While the discussion is brief and limited by professional obligations, not ranking high among the interviews, it is a delight in its way.
TVGuide Channel
Click here to download video (Quicktime format) or
Click here to download video (Windows Media Player format)
A snippet of an interview conducted for the TVGuide Channel is included with snippets of other FarScape cast members. Very brief and low technical quality. The only part of the interview that was released, alas. Compliments of Farscape Fantasy - thanks go to Dallascaper.
Click here to watch video (large version, streaming RealPlayer format) or
Click here to watch video (small version, streaming RealPlayer format)
Relatively extensive - 8 1/2mins - interview conducted at the time of the 2000 Burbank Creation convention. Visually perhaps her most attractive piece, with her tan, makeup, hair, lighting and image quality - in the large version - showing her to great advantage. Gigi is covered better in the Fantasticon interview; Chiana is covered better in this interview. It covers much of the same ground as Ign's video interview, with some addition. While rather more glamored and less insightful than the Fantasticon, it is effective, with Gigi managing interest and insight despite the typical generalizations of being asked to speculate on Chiana and the development she is either not free to discuss specifically or privy to. Although it is in a more relaxed, focused setting than Ign's, it is, through no fault of hers, only marginally more insightful into Chiana or herself.
Creation Entertainment
Click here to download video (1.10mb Quicktime format)
From the Burbank 2000 convention, Gigi gives a brief but precious hello and thanks to all. Low quality Quicktime but essential personality :)
Scifi Channel FarScape
Click here to watch video (large version, streaming Realplayer format)
Click here to watch video (medium version, streaming Realplayer format)
Click here to watch video (small version, streaming Realplayer format)
This two part interview, taped perhaps around the UK Starfury Convention in 2002, has the best insight into Chiana she has had opportunity to discuss to date, along with the previous ScifiStream interview. Things such as some instances of forced characterization as the social concept of "maturity" relates to Chiana are touched upon, for example. It gives perhaps the best glimpse of the truth and complexity invested in the character by Gigi.
Note: six years later and part two is still not posted, so as assumed in 2002, we shalln't be expecting it ;)
DocuDot WatchFarScape
Click here to download 2002 video (Quicktime file within a zip file)
2002 convention interview page
Multiple interviews with Ben Browder, Claudia Black, Wayne Pygram, Anthony Simcoe, Brian Henson and one with Gigi from Creation's 2002 Burbank FarScape Convention.
DocuDot WatchFarScape
Click here to download 2003 video (Quicktime file within a zip file)
2003 convention interview page
Interviews with Gigi and Ben Browder, Johnathan Hardy and Rockne O'Bannon from Creation's 2003 Burbank FarScape Convention.
Gigi Edgley is interviewed in the following audio media.
The Warp Zone
Click here to listen to audio (streaming RealPlayer format)
Gigi is interviewed by The Warp Zone on 8-13-00 during her Burbank 2000 visit in an intelligent, good natured and fun spontaineous telephone interview available on the 'net for our listening pleasure. A wonderful attitude to hear in talk radio: personal and respectful. And at 15mins far too short. Our sincerest thanks to the folks at The Warp Zone :)
Scifi Dimensions
Click the appropriate link near the top of this page to listen to audio (streaming RealPlayer format).
Gigi is interviewed by Scifi Dimensions on 10-05-02 during her Atlanta 2002 attendance at the Save FarScape Rally. An interview touching on her beginnings of Chiana and her outlook in many respects, this made for a good, solid interview. It's a surprisingly brief, full 20mins. Sincerest thanks to Scifi Dimensions for the solid coverage :)