Contact Us

Hello. If you wish to speak to billing, press one. If - oh. None of that here! Whew. Just a hobby site by people, for people. So what do you need?

Submissions, Website Issues or Questions

To drop us a line, ask a question or submit information, promotion, links, art, or pictures or media about Gigi, please email us using the form below and include your email so that we may contact you. Alternately, feel free to join the community forums and contact us there if you prefer.

Email address:

Note regarding privacy: We will not disclose your email address to anyone else; we are not a for-profit entity by any means and will respect your right to individual privacy. Even if you do not wish to be contacted we're obliged to ask that you include it in order to help reduce abuse of this contact form.

Contact Represenative

For professional purposes including talent work, please visit Gigi's page at Actors Access for information and current contacts.

For professional purposes including inquiries for and/or arrangements of personal appearances by Gigi Edgley, please contact:

Website: Peachtree Services


Peachtree Services
Jean Orrico
P O Box 69133
Seattle, WA 98168

Phone 206-399-0741
Fax 206-260-8831


Please note that this information is provided for convenience; the agent(s) / represenative(s) listed are not in any way responsible for this website or any content or any opinions expressed at this website.

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